Hi I had a fantastic book signing on Saturday August 20th,2016 at the Book Barn on Pocono Road in Denville NJ. Also known as Thrift Barns of Morris County, A NJ Non-Profit Corporation, the book barn accepts donated books and sells them used. This past weekend, customers were able to bay a whole bag of children’s books for $3.00. Paperbacks are 50 cents and hard covers are $1.00. Any profit is donated to local charities. Imagine a whole barn full of books! True book lovers will fall in love. They are a wonderful organization run by Lenny DiMenna and many humble thanks to him for being so welcoming!! If you are near Denville, NJ please stop in on Wed, Thurs and Saturday am.
Thanks also to a great friend – Anita Uotinen for all your support!
We only have two more weekends in summer so make sure you get to the beach in order to relax, breathe and read!