Real Moments 7/19/13

Real Moments 7/19/13

Real Moments - By Linda

It’s Friday, which means most of my real work is done for the week and I allow myself time to get some decent writing done. When I do, I’ve noticed I enjoy blissful silence. It’s lucky that I happen to get up at 5am so I can write while everyone is sleeping. I’m one of those writers that need to be transported to the scene that I am writing. Like a fly on the wall of life. Reality drops around me as I simply write about what I am viewing in my scene. Actually sounds scary, doesn’t it? It’s also lucky that my current WIP (work in progress) takes place in December in Vermont. Lots of snow to make me feel cool during this heat wave. I feel transported when I read a really good book or see a great film. Reading is one of the oldest forms of education as well as escapism. How often do you let yourself escape? How many other writers need silence to be transported? Let me know —-     If you’d like to follow my posts via email, visit my website at and sign up today. Have a great weekend!
