Happy Mother’s Day

Happy Mother’s Day

Real Moments - By Linda

FullSizeRender (1) Happy Mother’s Day to all moms everywhere. Special prayers to all who have lost their mom and especially to all mothers who have lost a child. It takes an entire village to raise a child and another to replace just one mother and all she does in the name of love. It’s an extraordinary energy which emanates from and around a mom. A special thanks to my mom who has always supported and nurtured my love of reading and writing. From giving me my own personal huge bookcase as a child to entering me in the town reading contest as a child. (They had to change the rules because of me.) My favorite was the scholastic reading club and money for the school book fair. Mom remains a huge part of my writing career and her advice and opinions are invaluable. So to all moms – wear your macaroni necklaces with pride and have a great Mother’s Day!!
