We had a fun summer with a lot of opportunities to meet with readers. One of the most interesting was the Waves of Mystery event in the Stone Harbor Library this September 2019.
Readers lined up facing writers and we had equal opportunity to ask each other questions about how they found new authors and how they liked to interact with writers on social media. The answers were more conventional than one would think. The readers said they did NOT want to be inundated with emails and messages. They were not as interested in author’s personal life as in the progress of their next book or series. The writers had opportunity to speak about their books and writing experience. It was a very interesting meet and greet of readers and writers exploring new exposure in writing. The authors that met that day were Eileen Watkins, Tina Kashian, Elizabeth John, Jane Kelly, Daria Ludas and myself! Let me know how you like to interact with your writers.
Of course, I took advantage of the event to spend some time on the boardwalk and my favorite – riding the tram car. Sadly, some of the Wildwood boardwalk no longer supports the weight of the tramcar so the route is shorter but a lot of fun at any length.
I took some great shots of the beach which I will hang on to until next Memorial Day!! In the meantime, keep reading, think of summer and I’ll see you between the pages!