Elizabeth Fitch is a precocious teenager who finally decides to disobey her cold hearted mother. Unfortunately, she witnesses the murder of a friend as a result. She agrees to testify and then flees when her own life is threatened. Twelve years later, a woman who identifies herself as Abigail Lowery, lives a life in seclusion. She has surrounded herself with security and protection, and uses her cyber skills to hack systems and monitor her enemies.
Abigail’s secretive ways attract the local chief of police, Brooks Gleason who’s as stubborn as she is when looking for answers. As a result, their worlds collide in more ways than one.
The book was fast moving, although a little lengthy in content. I enjoyed the story and Nora Roberts is a great story teller. I did find some aspects of Elizabeth’s character a bit unrealistic as the story unfolded, but overall a good book.